Index Overview Tips/Problem Solving

Standard mouse cursor
Click this icon to end the usage of the current tool (e.g. drawing pen) and to return to the standard cursor.

Measure tool
To measure distances click on any locations on the surface of the globe. With each click a line is drawn and distance is shown in numbers next to the current measure point.
Continuing in this manner the added distances will be displayed along with the previous one.
When choosing another tool the measure lines will be deleted. They cannot be saved at the time being.
The globe can be rotated while measuring by simply holding down the left mouse button and moving the mouse. After releasing the mouse button you can proceed measuring
Use the option "orthodrome" to measure the absolute linear distance between locations.
"Loxodrome" describes a measuring method commonly applied in nautical navigation using a compass. It does not measure the shortest distance. A loxodrome line crosses the meridians of the geographic coordinate system at a constant angle avoiding the dire task of having to recalulate the course of a ship all the time. Orthodrome and loxodrome measuring are almost indistinguishable at shorter distances. The difference becomes obvious when retracing the course of an ancient explorer ship going across the Atlantic Ocean compared to a modern airplane.
While measuring you can add a "great circle" around the whole globe, showing locations lying in the extended direction of the last measured distance.
You can choose the measure units either in miles or kilometers.

Pen (freehand drawing)
You can draw anywhere on the surface of the globe in order to trace a certain area or highlight objects that you want your audience to focus on. You can even do so in perspective mode - your drawing will appear right on the embossed 3D terrain. Save your drawing in a scene if you want to recall it later.
Using the pen tool is simple: Choose color, line thickness and degree of transparency, then move your mouse on the globe while holding down the left mouse button.
IMPORTANT: You can rotate the globe with the the RIGHT mouse button while you are in drawing mode.

Line tool
This function will draw straight lines between points as you click. Choose color, line thickness and degree of transparency before clicking. You can add another line that is not connected to the previous point by pressing the space bar on your computer keyboard.
IMPORTANT: You can rotate the globe with the the RIGHT mouse button while you are in drawing mode.

Area tool
Two options are available to draw areas on the globe. Choosing "freehand", the tool will act just like the pen. Encircling an area will draw a line, the space inbetween will be filled automatically as soon as you release the mouse button.
"Straight line" requires points to be set by clicking. Lines between the points are drawn automatically while at the same time the area will be filled. You can start with a new area right away when pressing the space bar on your computer keyboard
IMPORTANT: You can rotate the globe with the the RIGHT mouse button while you are in drawing mode.

Text tool
In the current version this function is still very basic (one line of text, only one font available, black letters on white half transparent background).
After typing your text click on "insert". The text will be placed in the center of the screen. You can rotate it using the circular arrow buttons or resize it using the plus and minus buttons. Remove it by pressing the delete key on your computer keyboard.

Delete (wastebasket icon)
Clicking this button will remove all of your drawings and inserted text.

This tab contains all options concerning the ineractive behaviour of text and objects on the globe..

"Link names to:"
Clicking on the name of a location on the globe will start the internet browser, transferring the name into the text entry field of a search engine which will (hopefully) generate a result.
In the drop down menu "Encyclopedia" is the default, linking to
"Search Engine" is linked to
"City map" is linked to
"Weather" is linked to
These links are subject to changes by the Diercke editors team!
If you deselect "Interaction activated" you will prevent the browser from being started by mistake.

The search function does not include landscape names yet.
Enter the location that you are looking for, click the "OK" button or hit the enter key on your computer keyboard. If your are uncertain of the correct spelling, enter the first few letters only and try a search.
Clicking on a name in the resulting list will rotate the globe into the correct position.