Please use the included software "Server Settings" if you are operating the Diercke Globe in a network system with single computers accessing the Internet via a proxy server.
Open the software by clicking on the Windows "Start" button -> Software -> Diercke Globe Online -> Server Settings.
By default "Proxy settings of the Internet Explorer" is activated. In the field "Proxy settings" you can enter a different address and the correct user name and password.
You should leave "Server address" unchanged at "gobal". Ask your system administrator if in doubt.

Software crash
After a crash your screen might look like this:

We advise you to click on the blue highlighted link " ... click here". Mail a screenshot of the window "(print screen" key on your computer keyboard and paste by using STRG+V in any image processing software). You could also type the lines shown below "Problem signature". Please send the screenshot as a .jpg-file or the text to
If the program crashes, freezes or becomes unbearingly slow, here are the most common causes.
1. The driver of your graphics card
"Diercke Globe online" is a 3D software which recquires a certain amount of graphics power. Most crucial is the frictionless functioning in combination with the driver software. If it's outdated, it won't run smoothly and you will experience some irritating difficulties. So PLEASE UPDATE the drivers!
Independantly of your computer's date of purchase you need to update, because even new machines are not always equipped with the latest versions. Sometimes only the Windows standard drivers are installed which are unable to perform all of the graphics card's functions. Microsoft doesn't guarantee full OpenGL support with their drivers.
You will be much better off with the original, to be found on the website of the manufacturer.
Most graphics cards of Nvidia, ATI and Intel are usually compatible with the Diercke Globe Online.
Here you can download the driver updates of the following manufacturers:
Intel (-> choose your card model in the drop down menu)
Unfortunately there are graphics cards that cause trouble with their drivers which can't be solved properly, some don't even work at all. We do not recommend the following:
SIS, S3 and Matrox.
In some laptop or notebokk computers very cheap or exotic graphic chips are in use that are unable to display 3D properly.
2. Failing online connection
If your system is equipped with a firewall you might have to register the program (3DGlobe.exe) in the firewall software. This is NOT necessary by default, it might occur in network sytems with very high savety standards.
Common firewalls are e.g. "McAfee Personal Firewall Plus", "Zone Alarm" or "Norton Personal Firewall"
Town names and landscape names are interactive. By default clicking on a name will start the wikipedia website. If you don't get any reaction when clicking, please assure the option ("Interaction activated" is marked in the Interactions tab (combined "i "and "@" symbol next to the tool icon).